Sunday, April 02, 2006

Motorbike Fashion and Function

Saigon, Vietnam
Originally uploaded by Zakcq.
There are three items that a proper Vietnamese woman never leaves home without: a hat, a face mask and long gloves.

The hat: it is absolutely essential to be wearing a hat between the hours of ten in the morning and four in the afternoon. The first thing my homestay sister gave me when I moved in was a hat of hers; she was horrified that I did not have one. She was very concerned that I would get sick from the sun if I was not wearing a hat.

The gloves: Vietnamese women do almost anything to avoid getting darker. Even if it 100 degrees and unbearably humid, a vietnamese woman will cover her arms and hands in order to stay as light as possible. Even with this lighter-the-better mentality, people still seem taken aback by how white I am- "So White," I often here when I meet new people.

The mask: This handy item serves two purposes. The first is, again, to cover the skin and avoid getting tanner. The second, is to filter all of the smog coming from the millions of motorbikes on the streets of saigon. I have to admit, I don't exactly enjoy breathing in so much exhaust, but I absolutely hate feeling my hot breath on the inside of my mask in all of this heat.

So, maybe by the time mom, dad, and Zakcq come to Saigon, I'll pick them up wearing a hat, mask and gloves, but as of now, I'm still an awkward westerner trying to get a tan and stay cool at the same time.


My Franks said...

We are home and all is perfectly well. We are disapointed we could not meet in VN.

My Franks said...

vyyvcwxlAnd I was afraid to cross the street, while you were motorbiking?! Amazing.
We will return with our daughter when she is older and hope we experience a fraction of what you have. I still enjoy reading your blog.