Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Monkeys in the Mekong

Originally uploaded by Zakcq.
I had an amazing time in the Mekong Delta last week. We took a boat ride to a wildlife reserve and walked along an elevated cement path being told we would see monkeys. I was looking high up in the trees trying to see if I could spot one. No one expected what was about to happen.

I was the first to spot the monkeys coming toward us. Suddenly there were dozens of monkeys swarming around us. They were running past me on both sides, brushing up against my legs. It was intense and very frightening! I really don't feel comfortable being in such close quarters with wild animals.

At one point, the monkeys grabbed a big bottle of water out of Emily's hands. They fought over it for a bit and then the winner was able to prop the bottle upside-down in a tree so that he could drink from it. It was quite a sight.

The monkeys were truly overwhelming. I remember once I looked over at my roommate Megan and one monkey was touching her bag and the other was behind her looking up her skirt.

I took lots of pictures of the monkeys- go check them out at our flickr website.

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